martes, 7 de abril de 2015



"One child in three is out of school in countries affected by conflict"

By Raúl Ramos Afonso

Children’s right to a decent education is as basic as their right to food and water – for many, it’s their route out of poverty. It gives them the knowledge and skills to improve their own chances in life and, ultimately, the lives of their own children. Yet, one child in three is out of school in countries affected by conflict. 

Getting children into school and delivering good-quality education in war-torn countries is a huge challenge. Teachers may not have been trained and schools are increasingly being targeted for attack.

Education funding is shockingly inadequate – in 2008, $1 billion education aid was pledged to countries affected by conflict – just one-tenth of what was needed. Only $113 actually reached them.

It is estimated that there are almost 40 million children out of school in conflict-affected countries, that means that more than half of the children out of school live in conflict-affected countries. Given all this, many people think it is just too complicated to improve the situation in countries affected by conflict.

This situation needs to be changed really fast, as war is growing in many countries in the world and the number of children that can’t go to school gets bigger and bigger.

Here are two projects that can help these kids:

1 comentario:

  1. I really feel that we´re lucky students that have the possibility to go to school without an impediment and that sometimes don´t even notice the chance we´re having that children all over the world don´t have. That´s why I have enjoyed so much the activity of making this blog and trying to make people more aware of what´s happening not so far away from us. I hope that in the future all these social problems will only remain in our memories and that the number of children without an education will be reduced or even eradicated.
